Portland Peers & Beers -- a CyberSecurity User Group & Professional Education mixer!

MTUG Events

Thu., Oct. 27, 2022, 4:30pm - 6:30pm

Location: Bruno's Restaurant & Tavern, 33 Allen Ave., Portland, ME 04103

Make Cybersecurity Awareness Month last All Year Long!

MTUG Peers and Beers - October 2022

At this first "Peers & Beers" in years MTUG featured "speed presentations" from local Cybersecurity User Groups and Security Education Programs. Each of 7 groups had a chance for a brief presentation, with plenty of time to connect before and after. Over 50 registered, and over 40 attended. Attendees learned about the cybersecurity groups meeting in our region, plus the education and certification programs available for supported or formal learning. And there were flyers and stickers! 

MTUG Peers and Beers - October 2022

If you have a Security User Group or Cybersecurity Education Program serving Maine and Northern New England, and missed this event, please feel free to create an Account (top-right of our website), and once your account is approved you may then create a "Company" listing for your school or user group. There's plenty of room in the listing fields to describe your user group meetings, or educational programming. Final User Group and Education Program listing entries go under additional MTUG review.  See all our regional User Groups and Educational Programs in the MTUG Directory here.

Photo credits: Kate Carpenter.


7 Groups Presented! ... Including:

More info / links to group pages posted soon!

5 Security / Privacy Related User Groups, some of which also feature aligned certification pathways:

And 2 security-related Professional Education Programs:

Most of these groups are listed, along with others, in either our Maine Tech User Groups / Advocacy Groups Directory, or our Tech Education Directory.

Thank you SO MUCH to our Peers & Beers Sponsor Deep Edge Realty !

Would you like to be sponsor our next Peers & Beers? Learn more about our Peers & Beers sponsorships for this year, please check out this information page:  mtug.org/assets/uploads/mtug202223/MTUG-PeersNBeers-ProgramSponsor-FY22-23.pdf

(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)