DC207 (DefCon207)

  • Website: https://www.dc207.org/
  • Contact Email:
  • Industry Sector / Subsector: TECHNOLOGY: User and Advocacy Groups
  • Company Description:

    DC207 is a DEF CON group focused on community, education, mentoring and bringing the hacker and InfoSec community in Maine together. We meet the second Thursday of every month in the Old Port at 6 PM. For event information please visit events.dc207.org. Our gatherings feature presentations, workshops, CTFs, and anything else in which the community is interested. The group is community-driven, and allows its members to be active so they can learn or teach about a subject they are passionate about. DC207 also supports the already-existing security-related and technology-focused groups, and we encourage members of all groups to collaborate and share knowledge. We are strong together!

    The mission of the DC207 group is to advance knowledge and educate anyone interested in science, technology, and other areas of information security through project collaborations, group gatherings, and group activities that will best serve our community and the world.

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