Virtual / In-Person Open Build Night

Feb. 14, 6:00 PM - Feb. 14, 8:00 PM

Location: 34 Freedom Parkway, Suite #2, Hermon, ME

Event starts with a few house keeping items. Such items include:

  • What is the Bangor Makerspace?
  • Upcoming events
  • Community outreach
  • Item requests, borrow/keep
  • What people are working on
    (Est. roughly 15-20min)

After that the floor is yours. It's a great time to work on your own projects, help someone else out on theirs, and talk amongst creative thinkers and doers.

Stay safe, and never stop making.

[Description from organizer's event page. Please visit that page for event link if you are joining online, as well as full info and updates.]

How To Register