Mid-Summer Webinar: Maine IT Micro?Credentials

MTUG Events

Wed., Aug. 19, 2020, 11am to Noon

Location: Online at http://mtug.webex.com

 Video, Download & Links 

A diverse panel discusses the development and implementation of a series of aligned micro-credential pathways in digital literacy and technology using a unified state framework.

We will discuss:

  • What are Maine employer’s IT and foundational skill needs?
  • How can we implement a series of micro-credential pathways to fill those skill gaps?
  • What industry credentials are most valuable for Maine citizens to obtain?
  • What are the challenges and barriers within a rural state?
  • What input, support, and in-the-job training can employers offer?

The University of Maine System, in close partnership with the Maine Department of Education has received a grant to work with partners across the state to build I.T. Micro-credential pathways to aid in hiring, workforce development, and adult degree completion. In addition to the Maine DoE, parters includ the Maine Dept of Labor / State Workforce Boards, the Maine Department of Corrections, Educate Maine, the Maine Community College System, and employers and others to achieve Maine’s 60% “Credential of Value” attainment goal by 2025 (see link info below). IT employers and tech industry involvement and input are crucial to the success of these efforts -- this session features a request from employers and tech professionals to give their input about this program. This is an ongoing request - Please see the slide deck PDF below for team contact information if you would like to get involved.

Learn more about the Maine I.T. Micro-Credentials program & grant at these links: 

MTUG thanks volunteer board member Uli Stewart for coordinating this month's speakers and topic!


Megan Dichter

Workforce Development Coordinator, Maine Dept of Education

Megan Dichter is the Workforce Development Coordinator for the Maine Department of Education. Her role in adult education includes working to support many state and federal adult education initiatives and special projects such as IT Career Pathways, TechHire, College and Career Readiness Standards, and the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act. Megan is also a certified CASAS trainer and is responsible for providing mandatory professional development to the adult education field.

Dr. Gail Senese

Maine DOE Director of Adult Education

Gail Senese, Ph.D. is a career adult educator and has fulfilled roles as an adult education administrator at the local and state levels, instructor at the postsecondary level, and membership on national adult education boards and committees. She has been with the Maine Department of Education State Office of Adult Education since 2011. Prior experience also includes program administration in the Weber State University continuing education department in Ogden, Utah.

Dr. Claire Sullivan

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Innovation in Digital Badges and Micro-Credentials, University of Maine System

Claire Sullivan, Ph.D., is the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Innovation in Digital Badges and Micro-Credentials for the University of Maine System. Claire started her micro-credential work while at the University of Maine and is now expanding its development across the University of Maine System. She works closely with the Education Design Lab to offer in-demand, 21st Century skills badges to Maine learners. Through a collaborative effort, she is working with key partners to build a statewide micro-credential initiative.

Video, Download & Links

(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)

[PDF] Claire Sullivan, Megan Dichter and Gail Senese - Maine I.T. Micro-Credentials

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(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)