Webinar: Economy, Demographics, and Meeting Maine's Technical Workforce Needs

Wed., Feb. 26, 2020, 11:00am to Noon
Location: Online at http://mtug.webex.com
Join MTUG for the big picture discussion of Maines economy, demographics and how it impacts our unique challenge for meeting the tech-skilled workforce
needs of all Maine businesses.
Amanda Rector, State Economist of Maine, will present on "Maines Economic and Demographic Outlook" -- an overview of Maines current economic
and demographic conditions, and the outlook for population, employment, and macroeconomic trends. In this presentation with MTUG, Amanda will bring
some additional information on tech-related sectors in Maine, as well as educational trends, to give the background of the forces impacting Maine businesses
in their ability to find and employ a skilled technical workforce.
Jeremy Qualls, Dean of the College of Science, Technology, and Health at USM, will present his experiences "Advancing STEM programs and
the Technical Workforce" at the University of Southern Maine. USM -- a regional, liberal arts, comprehensive public university with campuses in Portland,
Gorham, and Lewiston, is charged with addressing both Maines workforce challenges and serving the higher education needs of northern New England.
This two part mission presents numerous educational and STEM pathway opportunities and challenges. Jeremy will provide an assessment of trends in STEM
education, and introduce new programs and initiatives at USM designed to meet these opportunities.
MTUG thanks volunteer board members Uli Stewart, Ron Brown & Tonia Ennis for arranging for this session's speakers & topic.

Amanda Rector
Maine State Economist, Department of Administrative & Financial Services, State of Maine
Amanda Rector is the State Economist for Maine. In this capacity, she conducts ongoing analysis of Maine's economic and demographic conditions to help inform policy decisions. Amanda is a member of the State of Maines Revenue Forecasting Committee and serves as the Governors liaison to the U.S. Census Bureau. She started working for the state in 2004 and has been State Economist since 2011.
She earned a BA in Economics from Wellesley College and a Master's degree in Public Policy and Management from the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine. She is also a graduate of the Leadership Maine program and serves on the advisory board for the New England Public Policy Center at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
Amanda is originally from mid-coast Maine and now lives in Union with her family.

Jeremy Qualls
Dean of the College of Science, Technology, and Health at the University of Southern Maine
Dr. Jeremy Qualls currently serves as the Dean of the College of Science, Technology, and Health at the University of Southern Maine. As a physicist and material scientist, Dr. Qualls has focused on novel electronic ground states and new materials. His work has led to numerous publications and grant funded research projects. Additionally, Dr. Qualls is a nationally recognized leader in creating cross-interdisciplinary "Makerspace" programs and academic STEM infrastructures.
Downloads & Video
(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)[PDF] Amanda Rector - State Economist - Maine's Demographic and Economic Outlook
[PDF] Jeremy Qualls - Dean, School of Science, Tech, Health at USM - Advancing STEM and Tech Workforce
Watch the Video
Text quality in webinar recording may vary. If needed, change settings in video frame below (gear icon) or reference the slide deck PDF (above).(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)