Webinar: Industrial IoT SCADA and Security Considerations

MTUG Events

Wed., Oct. 9, 2019, 11a to Noon

Location: Online at http://mtug.webex.com

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Industrial IoT/SCADA Context and Security Considerations 

Justin Hogue discusses the Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) in control and monitoring systems (commonly referred to as SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) with an eye toward Maine’s varied and often rural industrial sectors and a look at security concerns specific to this sector.

Justin covers challenges around managing and securing sensor networks and SCADA systems, and provides practical, real-life approaches for simplifying and securing data from remote and previously isolated locations. In addition, the discussion explores a methodology for developing communication security strategies for industrial and utility networks, drawing samples from deployments that maximize bandwidth and ensure redundancy using cellular technology. Lastly, the speaker touches on considerations/questions operations personnel should ask when evaluating solutions.

MTUG thanks our Board Member/Coordinators Mike Begin and Austin Brower for arranging the speaker/topic for this session.


Justin Hogue

Vice President, Director of Business Development, LEC Inc.

Justin Hogue is Vice President and Director of Business Development at LEC Inc., which provides industrial automation and control engineering. Justin pioneered and launched LEC’s IIoT platform and services in 2012, and currently leads LEC’s cross-functional team in the expansion of their ecosystem of strategic partners and in the advancement of cutting-edge technology offerings related to the generation of new IIoT applications, platforms and network architectures to better serve Industry.

Justin is a Certified Professional Engineer and received his degree from Mississippi State University’s Bagley College of Engineering.

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[PDF] Justin Hogue, LEC - Industrial IoT SCADA Systems

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