Webinar: Info Security & Data Inventories

MTUG Events

Wed., Apr. 11, 2018, 11am to Noon

Location: Online at http://mtug.webex.com

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Two presentations: "Insight and Inventories: The ingredients of good I.S. decisions" and "Forcing function on data inventories: GDPR implementation"

Insight and Inventories: The ingredients of good I.S. decisions 
with Eric Berube, Bowdoin College

Making decisions about information security for an organization is exceedingly difficult even with the appropriate tools and information. Too often, however, organizations make these decisions with little to no information, and choose to just follow prevailing trends in the security landscape. To make the best decisions about risk to your organization, the first step is to have visibility into what is happening on your networks, and to inventory your data.     

Forcing function on data inventories: GDPR implementation
with Ande Smith, Deer Brook Consulting

Much talk has swirled around the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The nature and scope of its potential requirements (to the extent they are known) has many organizations anxious. Knowing what data you have and how to protect it has often been overlooked by organizations in developing cybersecurity controls, but for those eyeing the May 2018 implementation date of the GDPR regulations, those days are past. This part of the program briefly reviews the requirements of the GDPR, explains how data inventories relate, and suggests key strategies for addressing the requirements.


Eric Berube

I.T. Security Officer, Bowdoin College

Eric Berube is currently the I.T. Security Officer at Bowdoin College, where he has held various IS/IT roles over the past seven years. He has greatly enhanced the security posture of the college through various awareness techniques and deployment of new security tools including multi-factor authentication, NGFW, NGAV, and SIEM technologies. More recently, Eric has been working on many compliance initiatives including GDPR, PCI DSS, and HIPAA. Eric also has helped to design, architect, and deploy many of the solutions that Bowdoin currently operates. Prior to arriving at Bowdoin, Eric was Director of Adult Programs at the Cathance River Education Alliance, a local nonprofit. Eric currently holds a myriad of technical certifications, including: CISSP, GLEG, GCIA, GSEC, RHCSA, and CCNA.  Eric has a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology, an M.S. in Information Systems, and an M.B.A., all from the University of Maine.

Ande Smith

President, Deer Brook Consulting

Ande Smith is President of Deer Brook Consulting, an information security, privacy and technology consulting firm. Prior to that he held numerous security and compliance management roles including Director of IS at a top national retailer, COO at a fast growing IS/IT consultancy, and has served as a Submarine Officer for the US Navy and Captain in the US Navy Reserve. Ande also brings legal training to his work, with over fifteen years of firm practice and as in-house counsel, specializing in IT, privacy and regulatory compliance. Ande holds a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a Master of Public Affairs from the University of Connecticut, and a JD from the University of Maine School of Law. A registered patent attorney, he is also admitted to the bars of Maine and New Hampshire.
(Summarized from biographical material available at deer-brook.com [PDF])

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(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)

[PDF] Eric Berube - Bowdoin College - Insight & Inventories: Ingredients of good IS decisions

[PDF] Ande Smith - Deer Brook Consulting - Forcing function on data inventories: GDPR implementation

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(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)