Webinar: GSuite in the School Community

MTUG Events

Wed., Feb. 28, 2018, 11am to Noon

Location: Online at http://mtug.webex.com

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Alice Barr of Yarmouth High School, and Eric Lawson of the York School Department, technology leaders in the area of Google deployments in education, share their experiences and discoveries in using Google's GSuite product in their districts.

Eric Lawson's presentation, "Going Google" gives an overview of York's journey in migrating from a legacy email system and Microsoft Office to a full blown GSuite for Education platform.

Alice Barr presents "GSuite for the School Community," an overview of how the Suite of Google tools promote communication, collaboration, and innovation in school settings.


Alice Barr

Instructional Technology Integrator, Yarmouth High School

Alice Barr is the Instructional Technology Integrator at Yarmouth High School. She is a Google Certified Innovator and has been using GSuite for education in her district since 2011.

Eric Lawson

Director of Technology & Libraries, York School Department

Eric Lawson has been in education for 18 years as a teacher, tech integrator and Director of Technology & Libraries. He is a Google Certified Innovator, Trainer and Top Contributor that has fully implemented GSuite for Education into his district for 5 years.

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(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)

Eric Lawson - York Schools - Google Rollout [PDF]

Alice Barr - Yarmouth High School - GSuite in the School Community [PDF]

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(All presenter content is posted "as-is" and does not reflect the opinions of or any endorsement by MTUG, its board members, or constituents.)