
  • Website: https://xalient.com
  • Contact Email:
  • Contact Person(s): Michael Hogg
  • Phone: +44 (0)207 096 3100
  • Address: 10 York Road, London, UK SE1 7ND
  • Industry Sector / Subsector: TECHNOLOGY: Services and Equipment
  • Services / Products: INFRASTRUCTURE: Traditional LAN/WAN Solutions, INFRASTRUCTURE: VPN / Remote Access, INFRASTRUCTURE: Wireless LAN/WAN Solutions, OTHER: Consulting, SECURITY: Application Security, SECURITY: Network Security
  • Company Description:

    We are an award-winning, IT consulting and managed services provider, specialising in modern, software-defined networking, security and communications technologies, delivering innovative solutions and services to major organisations right across the globe.

    A market disruptor designed for a cloud-centric world, Xalient was established to challenge traditional providers with an alternative value proposition – one that differentiates through innovation, responsiveness, flexibility, deep expertise and independence.

    Our service portfolio ranges from delivering consulting strategies and assessments through to solution design, deployment and fully managed services, incorporating market-leading technologies in each of our specialist areas.

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