Telephone Association of New England (TANE)
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Phone: 207-671-5437
- Address: 19 Yarmouth Drive, Suite 301, New Gloucester, ME 4260
- Industry Sector / Subsector: TECHNOLOGY: Telecom and ISP Providers, TECHNOLOGY: User and Advocacy Groups
- Services / Products: OTHER: Consulting, OTHER: Training Services, TELECOM: Carrier Services - Fiber, TELECOM: Carrier Services - Wire, TELECOM: Internet Service Provider, TELECOM: Traditional Telephony Products
- Company Description:
TANE is the oldest and largest trade association for the local exchange carrier industry in the six states region of New England. Our telco membership is comprised of facilities-based telecommunications incumbent carriers, including Consolidated Communications, TDS Telecom, and all independent New England companies.
TANEâs associate membership is comprised of businesses that have a professional interest in telecommunications. These businesses include manufacturers and suppliers of telecommunications equipment, professional consultants to the industry, information service providers, wireless providers, as well as ISPs, cable companies, and others.

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