Compass IT Compliance, LLC

  • Website:
  • Contact Email:
  • Contact Person(s): Nicholas Foisy
  • Phone: (401) 353-3024
  • Address: 2 Asylum Rd, North Providence, RI 02904
  • Industry Sector / Subsector: TECHNOLOGY: Services and Equipment
  • Services / Products: OTHER: Consulting, OTHER: Training Services, OTHER: Value Added Resellers, SECURITY: Application Security, SECURITY: Network Security, SECURITY: Physical Security
  • Company Description:

    Founded in 2010, Compass IT Compliance is a nationwide leader in providing IT security, compliance, and risk management services to organizations of all sizes in all industries. Our mission back in 2010 remains the same today: To partner with your organization to help you mitigate your overall information security risk while providing you with the best customer service possible. Period.

    Whether you are working with our Security Specialists or our Compliance Auditors, you can rest assured knowing that our team is committed to partnering with you to provide you with expert knowledge around your risks and steps you can take to mitigate those risks.

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